The Repetitive Nature of Games and Why Endgame is Elusive

Here we go round the mulberry bush...

Scree’s back! And the criticism this time is repetition.

Here’s the dirty little secret: games -are- repetitive.

One of the points of a game is that it lays out a set of rules and you repeat and iterate on the scenarios it presents you with till you get better at it and “beat it” or “win.” Games have a learning curve.

The nirvana that everyone is seeking is that perfect state of flow, where one’s skill level perfectly matches the level of challenge so that one is deeply engaged.

(Image from Wikipedia.)
(Image from Wikipedia)

Problem is, everyone is different.

One game’s level of challenge may match one player perfectly, while another may find the challenge too difficult and thus end up worried and anxious.

I’m not sure that graph is accurate on the lower scale, where relaxation is graphed at a higher skill level than boredom.

For some, it could be the other way around, where high skill level and low challenge leads to boredom, while a medium skill level and low challenge leads to finding the activity relaxing.

Then again, for others, it’s a lot easier to be bored than it is to really relax – one may need l33t Zen monk skills in meditation to achieve proper relaxation, while nearly anyone can be bored outta their effing mind on a regular basis.

It’s in the eye of the beholder, I suppose.

It really comes down to what kind of repetition you find fun (or will put up with) in order to do something that you feel is enjoyable.

Different people reach different answers.

Scree finds that PvP produces a new situation every time it occurs. Those who prefer PvP tend to claim that they are drawn to this because the skills used can be the same, but the opponents are different, creating sufficient variety for them.

I’m especially tickled because I somehow managed to find that WvW was too repetitive and burned myself out from the game format some time ago.

You see, personality-wise, I’m very low on the competitive Killer Bartle scale. I’m just not really interested in the whole metagame of guess and second-guess your opponent in order to get one-up on them and win. So my tolerance for repetition on things PvP tend to be rather low, a couple rounds played for fun and variety… done.

Even in that eden of PvP, Eve Online, the blogosphere has been exchanging a little quote of the day highlighting a core repetitive aspect of the game.

Getting from one place to another apparently involves a lot of the same steps repeated over and over – turn off and on autopilot, manually warp to zero per jump gate. The only variety is what manner of shark awaits you at each step.

For some, that’s enough to consist of quite an adventure, and they willingly acclimatize themselves to the game’s little repetitive quirks to get the bigger experience.

I’ve been playing Don’t Starve quite a bit over the last few days. I easily get to my second winter and often get to days in the 100+ range. But then, I turtle.


I turtle A LOT. I don’t play RTS games on a competitive basis because I tend to derive more pleasure spending two hours teching up to EVERYTHING and then creeping in the equivalent of siege tanks or battlecruisers to slowly demolish the computer’s bases one building at a time over outsmarting a real life person, who can turn out to be exceedingly obnoxious, win or lose.

I get that a lot of clever people have discovered they can shortcut this process and created dozens upon dozens of other strategies they can use to win against another party trying to turtle, which leads to more counter-strategies to defend against this, which leads to more counter-counter strategies to get the upper hand, unsoweiter.

I get that this is a delightfully deep metagame for some.

I admire it from afar with videos and commentators to help me understand it, but I choose not to spend a good part of my life learning one game to such a high degree of focus.

Back to Don’t Starve. I build a base. Preferably near 5-6 rabbit holes.

I expand it. I make a little tooth trap alley to the side to fend off hounds.


I engage in tons and tons of repetition, including chopping wood for a day or two, gathering grass and twigs for another day, checking on my nearby spider den with pigs (aka silk farm) to make sure it won’t ever overgrow into a Spider Queen, catch and cook meals for another day or two, spend another day or two figuring out and reaching the next source of rocks and flint – just to prep for an expedition that may extend me into unexplored territory and necessitate a secondary base/firepit or an overnight stay not-at-home-base with a campfire.

When Winter comes, I run back to civilization central and my tooth traps and spend a good half my time just chopping wood and keeping the food supply going. Because I don’t want to starve, thank you. (Or freeze.)


On the other hand, Azuriel would probably stab his eyes out from the repetition I engage in with the same game. He prefers forward adventuring progress.

Me, I haven’t even seen Maxwell’s door in many of my worlds, and never stepped once through it. I prefer a slow and steady stable state with some incremental creep.

My guess is that each person’s preference for how much excitement and adrenaline rush and thrill versus relaxation they want in their games is different.

(The old hard fun vs easy fun war again. There’s actually two more types if you follow the link.)

For those who find they enjoy a game that is short and linear but continually ramps up the challenge till the content is all done (like Portal and Portal 2), MMOs are going to be an inherently disappointing affair. Once they’ve mastered every challenge they care to, that’s it, done. Finite content is finite.

Time to go on to another game or another MMO, at least until the devs have enough time to produce more content to devour.

An endless endgame?

Whatever it is, it’s going to repeat -somehow-.

WoW raids are a delaying tactic. Kindly repeat the same fight but with the variation and difficulty of cat herding a lot of players with different schedules and skill levels for an RNG chance of desirable loot. Hopefully, this takes you long enough so that the devs can produce the next raid for you to do something similar till the next patch.

If you think that in Everquest Next, there won’t be players who will be searching for and making a point of repeatedly killing the most desirable mobs… I think that you’re sorely mistaken.

One hope that it has of stretching gameplay is the possibility of player-created content, which provides supplementary content to dev-created content, just like how mods can extend the lifespan of a single-player game.

Clarity of preference is important, rather than just dismissing a game as “too repetitive.”

I suspect that Scree prefers “impactful” games. A game where player actions can mean a great deal. Where player actions form the meat of the content via emergence. Where hopefully the NPCs have enough AI to form meaningful, discernable patterns that can be exploited but not TOO exploited.

Well, we’ll all be watching upcoming PvE sandbox games to see if they manage to achieve this elusive holy grail.

A lot of this stuff tends to break the moment you throw the “massively multiplayer” part of the equation in.

We’ve learned that player-created content tends to give rise to “xp farms” where players design, create and run repetitively an optimized encounter so that they can reach max level (and level alts) at the best possible speed. (Thank you, City of Heroes and Neverwinter. Possibly Everquest 2 too.)

We’ll see how fast ingenious players can map the world sufficiently to determine node spawning patterns (must farm crafting materials, y’know!) or provide trackers for mob movement or spawns to determine the most probable places to head to for xp/loot/combat action.

Case in point: observe niche game A Tale in the Desert – randomly spawning mushroom locations produced a shroomdar. This game barely attracts 1000 players at the best of times.

Do you think the combined brainpower of a popular MMO cannot crack what a single team of developers code? Or at least harness the power of massive crowds via  individual player reports? e.g. see GW2 dragon timers before the API was made available.

If you have xp in a game, players will figure out the best way to get xp fast. Even (and especially) if it means repetition.

Skills-based, not levels, you say? I point you to Darkfall and its stories of skill grind, where at least some players will macro it, or engage in the equivalent of leaving a weight on one’s keyboard a la Morrowind or other Elder Scrolls games.

If you have loot in a game, rest assured players will repeatedly do whatever it is to gather it.

Ideally, they are enjoying the activity they repeat. (Note: level of enjoyment varies based on player personality and preference.)

Whether that activity is combat (versus mobs or against other players), or gathering some form of resource (xp, gold, shiny loot for stats or looking pretty, craftables, luxury collectibles), or exploration and discovery or yes, even travel and commuting from point A to point B.

Eventually though, a player is bound to get bored of whatever repetition they were engaged in and wander off. Or burn out if they weren’t careful enough. Part of the gaming life cycle.

The real questions are:

  • Do they wander off to another activity in the same game?
  • If they wandered off to another game, do they ever come back to the one they left? (Check things out or pick up where they left off?)
  • And how frequently do they do it?
  • (Oh, and do they give the devs any money for providing such experiences in the meantime, of course. 🙂 )

7 thoughts on “The Repetitive Nature of Games and Why Endgame is Elusive

  1. That’s the eternal crux of all MMOs, especially the more railway less-sandboxy ones, isn’t it? any game that offers a linear approach has to ‘end’. alternatively just throw out more of the same as the line goes on and on, with developers desperately trying to stay ahead of the achiever crowd.
    I agree all games repeat themselves to some extent but the more you allow players to create their own content, the less you have to worry about offering the ‘wrong kind’ of repetition to somebody. that’s why MMOs with more freedom can potentially last longer, attract more different players. I really prefer games that are more about ‘world’ and do a great job at that, than the ones that are all about the achievement and raid tab. give me an upgraded LOTRO with a couple more of UO’s features and I am happy for a very long time.


    1. I guess I’m more of the school of thought that prefers MMOs to offer a lateral buffet spread of a thousand and one activities, for players with different preferences to choose from.

      WoW’s casual game is actually pretty decent at this, and even Eve Online has a big chart of many things players can choose to do, some supported by dev design and some created of their own accord.


  2. I find Scree saying that PvP is so varied with the encounters different every time to be laughable for me.. if s/he allowed comments, I’d say that more nicely though.

    I find it to get incredibly boring quite quickly as it’s the same maps, over and over and over again. The same towers, same keeps in WvW, same objectives in instanced PvP in many many games.

    My boyfriend is like Scree. He plays League of Legends a lot. He says it’s different every time. But all I can see is him and his friends playing the same map EVERY time, with the same objectives EVERY time. I can’t for the life of me understand how they can play it as much as they do.

    So Scree is trying to make out his/her point in some factual manner, but that just cannot be done. S/he is arguing personal taste.


    1. to me it’s rather different as well, or at least far more than pve will ever be. You’re just not as much a slave to scripts as you are during any dungeon, boss, or event. You can’t learn the dance only a handful of strategies that may or may not require you to to just wing it in the end anyway.

      In wvw the amount of variable are quite large; you have numbers, environment and terrain, class types, combat skills, strategy used, buffs, level skill and probably many more that all seem to change with each encounter, you might not see it but it just comes out in the feel and flow of the fight. A sixth sense the pvp folk kind of have.

      In a zerg though.. yes it is very much the same feeling but in a coordinated group the experience is far more nuanced. I eventually burnt out but only after playing the same mode, the same map, near every night for close to a year…. that’s a huge amount of replayability right there, I couldn’t imagine spending the same amount of time within a singular dungeon

      I also get a larger adrenaline rush from playing this type of combat. There’s something about fighting against an actual player that makes it all the more exhilarating

      apples and oranges though


  3. oooh.. forgot to mention about the purpose of the post.
    Near every game has elements of grind and in my mind it’s all about finding the right grind for you.


  4. All human activities begin to exhibit nuance the more you repeat them, or the more often you experience them, or the more attention you pay to them. This is why parents are stereotypically reported as observing “that’s not music, that’s just noise” when listening to the music their children listen to or why a flock of sheep looks like an amorphous mass to a townie but a hundred entirely different individuals to the shepherd.

    The person playing WvW for hundreds, thousands of hours will find countless differences in every single fight because he or she will firstly have a far greater range of comparison and secondly a much deeper depth of field. Someone running a few zergs, karma trains or keep defenses once in a while will tend to see them all as much of a muchness.

    Take gathering, probably the most innately repetitive activity of all. If you do it for a few minutes it can bore you to tears but do it for a few hours and the experience of approaching, addressing and completing each node begins to feel unique. You begin to notice things about the placement of the node in the environment, about the surrounding fauna and its patterns of behavior, about the movement of shadows and the ambient sound.

    In a competitive gathering environment you’ll develop an acute awareness of player activity around you , becoming hyper-sensitive to any changes. You’ll develop an emotional palette to reflect your perceived successes and failures that may extend to how you react to each individual pull from the node or the efficiency of your movement between them. In time you will genuinely come to believe that the act of gathering from static nodes in a video game is an activity capable of infinite shades of variety.

    Sufficient repetition brings both meaning and understanding to all things.


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